Sunday, February 28, 2010

Nothin Like a Lil' Monster Truck Action

Sunday morning and I'm sittin here lookin out the window, catchin up on all the blogs I read. Its sunny today which is a good start to the day. Looks like some yard work is in store for us. Our lawn is SO long, its ridiculous. I figure I'll mow the front, Cam can mow the back (since its bigger :)) and that'll be my workout for the day...or week. Before the yardwork, and housework, and school work sets in though today, we did have ourselves a good time last night at the monster truck show. We went with our friends Mike, Lynsey and her son Donavon. I had never really been to somethin like this, but I had a good time. If the truck show at the fair in Fairbanks counts, then yes, I have been. But I don't really think that counts.

This was the multi engine tractor pull, or something like that! Anyway, this thing had a 1700 cubic inch engine! That seems insane. Most engines are like what, 5 something? Not that I really know a whole lot about engines, but I do know that that one right there is dannnng big!

This is the only good shot I got of the monter trucks. Apparently my camera isn't too great with the action shots. Oh well!

Save the best for last. Just a quick shot of Cam and I before the show. We got there early thinking there was a "pit party," so Donavon could get some autographs but that was only on Friday night. Needless to say, we had some time to kill before the show started. Why not take a few pictures?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Beautiful Spring Day In ... Texas? or Alaska?

I most certainly felt like I woke up in Alaska this morning, on a beautiful, spring day. But no. The Texas star on the house confirms that we are still in Texas, darlin. Even though, I am going to put that star on our house in Alaska. I was so surprised to see that the snow stuck. Makes me miss home a lot today. But I'm sure the 60 above degree weather we will be having tomorrow will remind me how happy I am not to be in Alaska this time of year. Makes me so confused though, do I wanna live in Alaska again for a few more years, or make it a quick trip and return to the states. I feel like Tennessee or something like that might be a happy median, between warm sunshiny weather and a few flurries to make the holidays seem a little more holiday-y!

I know, I am going off on a tangent there. Anyway, plans for the day. Not a whole lot! Might go into Walmart so I can sign my acceptance thing, but the lady I have been talking to isn't there and I'm so shy when dealing with people I don't know. Perhaps, I'll call and talk to the lady first, and at least let her know I'll be coming in. I should write a paper that I was due awhile ago, but we'll see, haha. Enjoy your humpday everyone!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ice Cream and Puppies!

I have the best boyfriend ever. Just look at that dessert he dished up for me! Boy, oh boy was it ever good too! I knew Stephie would want to see a picture, so here it is! Cameron laughed at me too, I told him you'd wanna see it! Don't mind the ugly blue bowl. I really wish he would have used a white one, would look so much more appetizing. But then again, strawberries, icecream and chocolate sauce looks appetizing no matter what it is in! Clearly, he was not planning ahead for the photo..

Cameron snuck off to bed early while I was still doing my online class, UGH! He said he probably wouldn't be able to fall asleep so I walked in there after my class and sure enough, he was asleep! He would probably kill me if he knew I put this picture up. Little Colt boy was up there on the pillow next to him snoozin away. Retta jumped off the bed and woke him up, otherwise he would be passed out next to Cam. He's getting so big it looks like in this picture! Colt, that is. Makes me sad. But for now I will enjoy him being a cute lil cuddle bug. I will feel bad when I have to kick him off my pillow when I go to bed! He sleeps in his kennel though and loves it, Retta is enough dog in our bed for night!

Snow, Snow, Snow... Love It!

Here is what we woke up to this morning :) It was so much fun to actually go outside and play in the snow, which we did for a good hour or so. This was colt's first time seeing snow, which he wasn't really a fan of at first, but Retta got him out in the mix of it all...for a little while. He then can be seen hiding out in the shed, by the lawn mower, wishfully thinking of summer sun! Hard to believe that on Sunday I was laying out on Jamie's deck in our bathing suits soaking up the rays working on our tans, and today was a "snow storm." On the news they reported that this was the worst snow storm since 1982...Oh, Texas. You just can't hang with the big boys can ya?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Workin' Gal

This week has been pretty uneventful. Just when I thought Phenergan was my friend, turns out not so much! Spent another few days laying on the couch in misery, not being able to eat anything. I finally decided some b6 vitamins may help (I'm willing to try almost anything) and seems to be that they did! Now, maybe it's just coincidence and in a few days I'll be right back to square one, but I REALLY hope they are helping. It's so hard to plan anything out when I never know when I'll be feeling ok or not. So the big news for the week, I got a job! Bad timing, kinda. I'll be doing cake decorating again, which I have always loved! They just need to contact one of my references and I'll be golden. It is only part time, so it shouldn't get in the way of too much. And I'll have Sundays off, which is so nice. I've always loved having Sundays off, time to relax and prepare for the week ahead. So anyway, enough with that. Tonight we are going to Leander, to see Quinn and Jamie, since I'm pretty sure James is still gone. We didn't go there last weekend so I'm kinda missin' seein all them! Not really looking forward to the drive, but oh well. It usually goes by pretty quick. Other than that, nothing and I mean literally NOTHING exciting has been happening around here. Excitement for me is making it through the day not being sick.. if that's any indication of the excitement around here. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday, Monday..

So, I have been on a little "break" if you call it from blogging. I was just not feeling up to par. I ended up having to go to the ER on Friday morning since I had not eaten or drank anything in 3 days. Well, I had TRIED to eat and drink, but was throwing up every hour on the hour. They got me all doped up on saline and zofran and sent me on my way, with a prescription for phenergan. Phenergan, I LOVE YOU! When I got home from the hospital I immediately went grocery shopping, since that hadn't been done in about 3 weeks. Got home and just stuffed my face with a smoothie and breakfast croissant sandwich. Food never tasted so good, I swear. Saturday was pretty uneventful, just went to our friend Lynsey's house and hung out. Sunday was a fabulous day! Massages, outback steakhouse, Dear John, and chocolate oreo banana milkshakes to top it all off. While grocery shopping the other day, I bought a little single serve blender for 12.88! It's a hamilton beach one, works super good! So we made a special run to get oreos, bananas and chocolate ice cream last night. It started out being 70 above Sunday morning but within two hours it had dropped into the 40's. Not cool. The wind was blowing soooo hard, and I hate wind. I was wearing a cute dress and cardigan with my cowgirl boots, but changed into some jeans for the rest of the day so I didn't freeze to death. That was pretty much our weekend. I LOVED the massages we got. I heard some business about not get a massage before your second trimester, but I wasn't totally convinced that what I was about to do would cause a miscarriage. The lady who did my massage does prenatal massages, so she knew where to massage and where not to massage. Afterwards I was so relaxed. Now I know why people who get massages all the time do! I'll definitely be getting another once I start getting bigger. I'm off to make a smoothie though, Happy Monday!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Oh How I Miss The Weekend...

I have not been feeling well, AGAIN. So, it has taken me some time to get goin on this. I think I've got this whole sickness figured out. The past 3 weeks I have been sick only on Mon, Tue, Wednesday and been fine the rest of the week. I surely hope my little philosophy holds true because I'm really looking forward to having a nice Valentine's Day with Cameron since it is our first one we are actually together. Last year I couldn't even send him the cards I bought because they were so close to coming home and had shut down the post office over there in Iraq. Not sure why but I brought the cards with me when I moved, but I still have them. So he will be getting them a year late! I can't quite tell you what we have planned for Valentine's Day, other than lunch or dinner and going to see Dear John. There is another lil surprise in there he just can't know of quite yet. Anyway, I got sidetracked. This past weekend we went down to Leander for the weekend and what a weekend it was! Our friend James has been friends with the country singer Tommy Shane Steiner for a long time. He sings the 2001 hit, "What if she's an angel," good song! I used to listen to it all the time. Anyway, James lets us know Tommy invited us over to watch the UFC fights! I said, must be just for the boys. But no, I was invited too! How cool, I was sooo excited! But I played it cool.. haha. He's just another normal guy, who was wearing a headlamp when we walked in and was trying to get the tv set up. That is Cam and I with Tommy. Cam was excited that Tommy put HIS hat on and Tommy let Cam wear his black hat. It matched his outfit more..haha. So we hung out there till the wee hours of the morning, then had to stop by Mcdonalds to feed me and the lil baby who were just starving! On the agenda for the next day was the superbowl! We had meatball subs and italian sausages! And I added some brownies and mint ice cream to my menu! What a GREAT game! I'm so happy the Saints won, for the first time EVER! They had never even been to the superbowl, so how cool for them!! Now it's back to the grind and catching up on homework. Boo..

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Blog Award - Thanks, Marg!

How wonderful. I have been puking my guts out for the past two days, but have been feeling a little better today. I've had nothing to blog about, unless you were curious about me throwing up every hour for 13 hours the other day. Lemme tell ya, NOT fun! Then I finally get on here and see Marg gave me this blog award- There is happiness in this world again. I had lost it somewhere along the way towards the bathroom. So, I guess I have to list 10 things I am happy for, and then list 10 blogs that make me happy. Here goes my list of 10 things that make me happy... these are in no particular order.
1. right now, MILK makes me SO happy. I think I've drank a half gallon today by myself.
2. My doggies. They are always happy to see me, and I too am happy to see them. Unless colt has done something bad...then I am a little less than happy. Dogs give so much unconditional love :)
3. My family. This includes my parents, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews and so on and so on. Never a dull moment with all of us around. Who wouldn't be happy over that?
4. Texas winters = no snow. Need I say more on why this makes me happy??? Such a rough day when its 60 above and I gotta turn on my seat warmers.
5. My good friends that have been there since forever. I'm pretty sure I've told each of them that it's so hard to come by GOOD friends once you get older. People seem to be just...weird or atleast not someone I would wanna hang out with 24/7, share my stories, and be stupid with. I am blessed!
6. Friday Night Lights, the tv show. I don't watch many shows, but this show I just LOVE. It reminds me of cheerleading back in highschool. Plus, Tim Riggins is so easy on my eyes. Never mind that he's a drunk.
7. School. Weird, I know. But it makes me happy that I'm going to school to get a better education for myself and someday hopefully finding a job that makes me LOTS of money. Ok, maybe I should forget lots of money with my desired profession.
8. Cameron and Baby. We really are so lucky to get to be parents, even though it was totally unplanned. And I can only imagine what it would be like to have a baby with someone who is a little less than enthused about it. Cameron is SO excited, which makes me that much more excited. Thinking of names and looking at nursery stuff makes me happy!
9. Whew, this is taking some thinking. number 9... the beach. How could I forget the beach? I LOVE visiting Hawaii, Florida, Mexico, anywhere by the water!
10. Facebook. How cheesy am I? But being away from all my friends and family it makes it so much easier to keep in touch and creep around on people and see what's going on in their life. I love seeing what everyone is up to in the frozen north, colorado, florida and idaho ;)

Whew! Now ten blogs that make me happy. Goodness gracious. I must say I love all my friends blogs dearly. Those are located on my sidebar, under those I stalk. Haha. Then I would go find all those food blogs that I just adorED until 2 weeks ago, but I'd rather not have the fruit and yogurt parfait I just had come back up. I shall pass this award on to others :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Baby Furniture Redo

Ugly toy chest, right? Kinda. Ok, yeah. But... (drumroll) TA-DA!
I found the cutest little blog called Better After. Its all about furniture redos. Thought this little toy chest was cute. She also has a cute crib that someone redid. Stephie, if you stay with me this summer, this will occupy our time ;) I have two dressers in the garage from Cameron's parents. Plus I have one in Fairbanks in my dad's crawl space that is pretty cute. Or should I say, could be pretty cute. Would just have to sand off the puppy stickers I stuck to it when I was 5. Whatever theme I choose for the babies room, I still want it to be eclectic and "lived in." Boys rooms can be shabby chic too, right? I don't see why not. I'm gonna have to check out garage sales and stuff here to find some good things. Alaska just doesn't have the best selection of old furniture and such like the south does. Bonus: the Army will ship it all home for free!